A Bearded Story

Please join me on my bearded journey as I tell you about how I got into 3D design and printing all the things.

I wear glasses in this photo. It almost looks like I’m looking into the distance, but in reality I’m looking right at you.

Roughly 5 years ago, I bought an Anet A8 without doing ANY research on 3D printing. I just wanted to do it. So I searched for the cheapest printer I could find with a reasonably sized build volume.

Mistakes were made.

Though it took some effort, I was able to get some pretty good prints out of it with some trial and error. Literally the first print resulted in the hot end digging into the bed. I know nothing about 3D printing now, but I knew even less then (if you could believe it).

I didn’t do a ton of printing because it was slow and it was a beast to maintain, but it definitely introduced me into the 3d printing world.

Jump forward to a few months ago, after I realized the filament ran out on one of my prints, I was fed up. I sold it and went in search of another printer. That’s when I bought the Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro. It took almost 2 months to get my hands on it, but it was worth it. On my very first print I was BLOWN AWAY! I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT I WAS MISSING!!!

Anywho, I quickly realized that I wanted to start designing flexi-things. I had designed things with Tinkercad in the past, but wanted to try my luck out on something a little more capable. So, I started my journey learning Fusion 360. There were some definite gotcha’s that caused some screaming tantrums, but all-in-all, I think it’s a fairly powerful program to use.

I initially started out designing some flexi-stuffs, but quickly found my way around designing more functional components around the house. I don’t sell them here, because they’re very specific to the measurements of my living space.

So, I’m excited to share what I’ve done and hope you enjoy the fruits of my labors.

Thanks for visiting!